Yeshivat Mitzpe Yericho


Shabbat and Chag Atmosphere​

Our Shabbat and Chag Experience

Shabbatot and chagim and their corresponding Tefilot are an integral part of the Yeshiva’s Avodat Hashem. The general atmosphere of Kedusha on these special days, the uplifting singing and joyful dancing together inspiring Tefilot help us internalize our Torah, and turn our learning from teachings which are “Al Levavecha”, – On  our hearts -, into teachings inside our hearts.

Shabbat in Yeshiva is a truly special experience, infused with Divrei Torah, and learning. The Seudot are accompanied by beautiful Zemirot, Nigunim, and joyous dancing. Following the Seudah, students gather for a Tish with one of the Rebbeim. Shabbat is a fundamental aspect of the Yeshiva experience, with two out of every three Shabbatot designated as a “Shabbat Yeshiva.” While students have the option to stay or leave, we encourage staying in for these special times of connection. Additionally, throughout the year, there are refreshing off-campus Shabbatonim, as a part of our Extracurricular programing.

Yamim Noraim at Yeshiva are a truly transformative experience, with Tefillot that inspire and empower you for the entire year. This profound experience is the result of intensive preparation for each Chag. Before each Chag, we have special shiurim that delve into both the Halachot and the deeper meanings of the holiday. In addition, there is a pre-Chag Hitva’adut. Here our Rabbeim share Torah on the Chagim and special Nigunim of the Chagim are sung helping us to enter the Chag with the right headspace, and tune in into the unique Kedusha of each individual Holiday.

Another special element in our Yeshiva’s Shabbat and Chag experience is the unique combination of the diverse traditions and cultures brought together by Kibbutz Galuyot. Students experience both Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions within the Yeshiva. In order to strike the fine balance and to get the most from this special combination we have a preparation Tish to learn and familiarize ourselves with the tunes and Tefilot from all traditions. This unique blend opens opportunities for refreshing and beautiful connections to Tefilah, Judaism and Hashem.