About Us
Yeshivat Mitzpe Yericho in a Glimpse
Immersion in the Yeshiva Gavoha Beit Midrash
Within the larger framework of an elite Israeli Yeshiva, our overseas program is a unique opportunity for Torah growth, lifelong friendships, exploring new perspectives, connecting to Am Yisrael, and spirited learning.
Intensive Gemara learning
Gemara is the Yeshiva’s backbone. Students will develop analytical and textual skills and cover a significant portion of Shas. Iyun and Bekiut together allow for Torah growth and enjoyment of learning.
Inspirational and refreshing curriculum
We offer a balanced and varied program of electives on Tanach, Jewish Philosophy, Mussar, the thought of Rav Kook, Religious-Zionism, Chasidut, and more. Our diverse program gives students an opportunity to find their personal connection to Torah. In addition, in depth study of Emuna inspires our students and empowers them to live a life of meaning.
Warm and personal connections with Rebbeim
We create a warm and intimate environment, making it easy to nurture meaningful relationships with Rebbeim. Our caring Rebbeim connect deeply with their students and provide insightful guidance in Torah learning and life.
Lifelong friendships and exploring Israeli culture
Integrating overseas students in our Israeli Yeshiva provide opportunities for surprising lifelong friendships. Students will experience life with their Israeli counterparts, pre- and post- army service. They will explore the possibilities of returning to Eretz Yisrael later in life as well as receive the opportunity to understand and speak Hebrew.
Located in the magnificent Judean Desert
The Yeshiva is located in a growing, peaceful religious Yishuv, away from distractions yet close to Jerusalem. The location, overlooking the Dead Sea, with a breathtaking view of the silent Judean Desert provides optimal circumstances for growth, connection, and inspiration.
Connect with Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael’s future
Living, learning, and experiencing the Land of Israel instills a deep passion and profound love for the Land. Students gain historic perspective on our people’s past and are encouraged to become active players in that ongoing history. Students are inspired to live a life of idealism and self-actualization, contributing their part to Am Yisrael’s larger world mission.