Extracurricular Activities
Our Extracurricular Program
The yeshiva has a rich and diverse Tiyul and excursion program which brings alive the Torah that is learned in the Beit Midrash. Living and experiencing the Land of Israel instills a deep passion and profound love for the Land. Together we walk through the pages of history, visiting historical sites from Tanach, Bayit Sheini and Chazal all the way through the miraculous growth of Medinat Yisrael as it is today. These experiences are not just educational, but transformative, as thousands of years of Jewish history come alive. Extracurricular activities are adventurous and fun, and provide a great opportunity to developing deeper friendships and relationships with fellow students and Rebbeim.

Through appreciating Jewish history and experiencing it in a tangible way, by connecting spiritually and emotionally to Eretz Yisrael, our students are inspired to carry the legacy forward, to live a life of idealism and becoming active participants in the ongoing Jewish history.
- Golan Heigths Tiyul (Multiday)
- Yam L’Yam (Multiday)
- Masada
- Meiron
- And more…

- Old City of Yerushalayim
- Chevron
- Tzfat
- Shabbat in Tzahal
- Shabbat at our Rabbeim
- And more…